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Support Our Website!

If you are enjoying We Coding For You and the Projects we are sharing, then we would be grateful if you could support us! We aren’t asking for a dime of your money, but there are many ways you can support We Coding For You. By showing support,  you encourage us to publish more and more projects in fast time.

Ways You Can Help Support Our Website

Share, Follow & Contribute

One of the easiest ways to support our blog is simply by sharing our content. First and foremost, our goal is to spread our content far and wide in hopes it will reach numerous people that are interested in programming. You will find social media icons on every post that you can click to share our posts on most any social media channel. Great places to share our website is on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, email, over coffee or wherever your friends are!
See those buttons to the bottom of every post ? That’s the easiest way to accomplish this task!

Support us with a monthly donation through Patreon

After much hesitation with allowing support through this channel, we decided to go ahead and open the doors. This is a great way to donate to us monthly. You sign up once, donations come out automatically on the first of the month, and you can cancel at any time! Visit our Patreon page here.

Make a donation through PayPal

If you want to send a cash “thank you”, feel free to send it directly to PayPal! All proceeds will go to either growing our website or growing our homestead. The email address to send the tip to in PayPal is

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We Coding For You

We Coding For You is a software platform whose nominal goal is to help programmers learn the programming languages by launching free projects with free help. This is what most programmers are looking for in global search engines such as: c # projects with source code, c # project ideas, visual studio code c # project, code source c #, open c # project in visual studio code, c # open source project, source code c # sql server, projet c # open source. If you are satisfied with the content of our site and you want more, could you like and follow our social media pages, share our projects, donate to us,comment on our projects...




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